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in this new science, and are devoting themselves to the spread of its knowledge and to the increase of their museums.
I have failed largely in my purpose if, before this time, I have not convinced the reader that the United States, both government and people, have not been aroused to an appreciation of this new science of Prehistoric Anthropology, and have not given it that dignity and importance to which it is entitled and which it receives in other countries.
The International Congresses of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology holds its X Session in Paris during the next August (1889). These congresses were organized and have been holding their regular meetings since 1865 or '67. They have had members, delegates, from all adjoining countries, they have usually met in the capital of the country, and never twice consecutively in the same country, with a number of members varying from 500 to 1500 according to the contiguity of