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the place of meeting. Their bulletins formed volumes of several hundred pages, that at Stockholm over a thousand, yet no scientific organization from the United States has ever had any representative, and since the meeting at Paris in 1878 there has not been a single American present, in any capacity, at any of the meetings. The same comparison, continued with regard to the means of instruction in the different countries, America and Europe, would make about the same showing. Each of the countries of Europe may, I think, fairly claim that they are equal to, if not ahead of, the United States in their appreciation of and assistance to this science of Prehistoric Anthropology; even little Switzerland with a territory of 16,000 square miles would say she was not behind us. France with her area of 204,000 square miles would undoubtly claim superiority over the United States with her 3,600,000 square miles. The area of the United States is greater by far than that of all Europe, and its