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of chips and flakes. Bone implements were also found, such as perforators, knives, etc.. The bones of animals and birds received have been identified as follows:---Whale (sp. not identified) Sea Lion, [[underlined]] Otaria jubata; [[/underlined]] Sea Bear, [[underlined]] Arctocephalus; [[/underlined]] Penguin, 2 species, [[underlined]] Aptenodytes [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Spheniscus; [[/underlined]] Cormorant, 2 species, [[underlined]] Phalacrocorax albiventris; [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Phalacrocorax magellanicus; [[/underlined]] Steamer Duck, [[underlined]] Tachyeres chinereus [[/underlined]] and Gull, [[underlined]] Larus. [[/underlined]] 
A large number of bones are in such a fragmentary condition that it is almost impossible to identify them with any degree of accuracy.
The shells (426) belong to the following species:---[[underlined]] Patella, Mytilus and Voluta. [[/underlined]] The specimens obtained at the other localities mentioned are perhaps of equal importance, and should, in the future, be made the subject of a more elaborate report. Accession21699.