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C.Winn Upchurch
A Man works from sun to sun, but a woman's work is always fun.  After I get the children off to reform school and Fang leaves to report to his probation officer, I watch the early movie.  Sometimes the girls drop around and we shoot a few rounds of pool.  Dishes are no problem.  I scrape 'em out on the lawn and run the hose over them.  Them the buzzards come.  Our house is the only sanctuary for scavengers in the Unites States.  Dirty clothes I send to Goodwill.  After the're laundered and repaired, I buy 'em back.  Cheaper than a washing machine.  Afternoons I take my beauty rest before the thundering herd comes home.  Nights are for social activity - like Fang breaking Parole.

Transcription Notes:
2 typos: "Them" should be "Then" "the're" should be "they're"