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On E side of creek in N 1/2 sec. 28.
There is a spring up the slope
It comes from a sandy place, with Kansan up the slope, but it is too badly slumped to show well.
The two sand-pits or pockets in the S 1/2 of the same section are at about the same level, & shows fine sand (some evidently stratified.
There is clear Kansan up the slopes above.
About 12 ft. of sand are exposed.
The top of this is 45 ft. above creek N.
Northward, somewhat nearer home there is a spring which also comes out of sand, about 25 ft above creek. 
Fine spring.
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The gully described on the next page is in the great terrac & shows its structure.

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In the N. 1/2 of 21, just east of Peterson(?) farm there is a deep gully cut into edge of bench.

It shows 20 ft of Aftonian gravel & sand, cross-bedded, etc.
The top layer (2 or 3 ft) is very bouldery.

Nebraskan is exposed for at least two feet at base.
It is grayish (bluish) in part darker, & is very similar to material in buffalo creek.
Springs seap from top of Nebraskan in this gully.
In NE. cor of NW 1/4 - 29 E part Dayton Twp.
This is on the great bench plain & a cut in road shows clear calcareous Kansan.
Around the great mound.
Road sections in it show that it is Kansan. A few boulders appear on slopes, rather high up.

Transcription Notes:
I think it is "Kansan" see Other terms are Wisconsin (glacial) Sangamonian (interglacial) Illinoian (glacial) Yarmouthian (interglacial) Kansan (glacial) Aftonian (interglacial) Nebraskan (glacial) -@siobhanleachman Twp. - abbreviation for township