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In evening visited Mr. Boot's home.
He gave me following section of mound on which I found pottery & teeth at Granite:
5' - Black soil mixed with gravel.
12' - Yellow clay & many cobblestones & gravel.
3' - Stones mixed with black soil.
3' - Yellow clay mixed with stones.
2' - gravel.
5' - Stones & clay (yellow)
2' - Gravel (clear)
10' - Gravelly yellow clay with [[underline]] [[lines?]] [[/underline]]
(Level of prairie)
12'- Black loam nearly free from stones.
6' - Yellow undisturbed clay, no (or [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] few) pebbles,

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Transcription Notes:
I believe Granite refers to an unincorporated town in Lyon County, Iowa see,_Iowa -kbailey