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[[underlined]] Sep. 4, 1910 [[/underlined]] Sunday
Drove N. with Boot. (Rainy)
Mr. Paul Bankson has well on top near house: 
2 1/2 ft soil & yellowish clay.
7 1/2 ft. typical, very calcareous pebbly Kansan, jointed 
1 ft. In sand (a little mixed) & then a gravelly conglomerate. This is Aftonian.

On the bluff NW. there is a fine spring. Elevation : 
The Kansan plain is 105 ft. above lowest bottom. 
A second terrace or bench, rather narrow is about 35 ft. high, spring is 75 ft. above bottom. Water in this fine spring runs over conglomerate. 
The conglomerate is nearly 3 ft. thick, & below it there is a very tough layer, evidently Nebraskan, which is blue bench just below conglomerate, (a few inches)

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and below it the stuff gets yellower & grayer.

There is some fine sand above the conglomerate, but the bank is badly slumped.

At the foot of the hill all along there are seapy places & in the ravine bank at bottom, there are springs, - Mr. Bankson says.

Some coarse sand & fine gravel appear 8 ft above the big spring, & Kansan above.
The dog has excavated here.
The Kansan plain nearby goes up at least to 120 ft above bottom
Yellow weathered Kansan appears all along upper part of the bluff.
The highest point, w. of spring (a few rods) is 130 ft high
There are mounds on this high point.

Transcription Notes:
See for terms used on this page. -@siobhanleachman