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A big spring comes out on slope (it is a big seapy and also running spring) a few feet below well NE. of house. 
A strong flow from a sandy place. It probably runs off the conglomerate.
All along road leading N, from Canton to this place Kansan shows along road. The plain is really cut up quite a bit, yet northward shows a few kettle holes.

In sec. 35, Springdale Twp. there is a series of Kansan exposures - gen typical joint clay. brownish, pebbly, calcareous. Best one about 7 ft deep.
N. of R.R. on E side of road along creek a deep cut (washout) shows bluish unweathered jointed Kansan

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My high hill N. of RR. is not continuous to N.W., but runs down to a plain. The highest point is not at school, but at least 1/2 mi. away, A house stands on it.

NW.- some distance - there appears another heap (this evidently in great bend of the Big Sioux.)

Between section 10 & 11 (N. of the church) there are several good Kansan exposures made by road cuts.


Opp. Iowa state line
Louis [[insertion]] A.M. [[/insertion]] Egge -  well on bottom near house:
Dirt down to sand.
Probably 2 ft. coarse sand, & some boulders ,-
Probably struck Sioux Q. at 25 ft.

There are numerous springs on the slopes between house & ledges of rock. There ledges rise about 40 ft. above lowest bottom.

Transcription Notes:
See this article for some of the terms used on this page -@siobhanleachman For note "Probably struck Sioux Q" - this article describes Sioux Quartzite underlying the glacial deposits in Northwestern Iowa - kbailey