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On N. side of the ridge which ends in Sioux Q ledges there is a large spring, - quite a stream running from it. 
4 or 5 rods up the hollow SW. of house numerous springs come out from under Kansan (typical, bluish, rusty in places, pebbly , with some boulders. 
There is sand in the creek bed. 
A fine exposure on S. side, which is on N. side of ridge ending in Soo Q. ledges, shows

[[image - pencil sketch of geologic layers - the top 6 feet, an 8-12 inch layer below, resting on a 7 foot thick layer out of which water flows at the bottom]]
[[image captions]] 
6 ft. exposure. 
Sand & gravel boulder oxidized
Typical bluish, jointed pebbly, somewhat calcareous Kansan 
Silt band - grayish & rusty 8-12 in
Oxidized line
7 ft. sand, cross-bedded, somewhat coarse show in places, but mostly slumped.
In bed of creek is dark bench which may be Nebraskan.
[[/image caption]]

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Numerous springs appear above this from same slope.

This is another spring a few rods S. are really not in main ridge.

[[image - pencil sketch of a map of ridges with sedimentary layers labeled]]
[[image captions]]
S [[arrow pointing to top of page]] N
Soo Q
Soo Q
Ridge (Kansan)
Fine exposure & spring
House [[written upside down]]
[[/image captions]]

The Sioux Q. was evidently cut by valleys before drift came in.

The Sioux Q ledges are about 25 ft above [[insertion]] big [[/insertion]] spring. 

Transcription Notes:
rods - an old measurement of distance Soo Q- author's abbreviation for Sioux Quartzite