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dark carbonaceous material in contact with Aftonian 
For nearly a foot above Nebraskan there are narrow alternating sand & silt bands.
The contact with Kansan is abrupt.
The top of terrace on N.E. side of river is about on level with top of Aftonian, but this is true back near hills, - the front of terrace is lower, but above base of Aftonian
Probably 2 ft. of Nebraskan was exposed, rest covered with talus.
Farther W. sandy &
spring places appear 
1 spring.
The S. Dak. sec. line is about 15 rods east of Iowa sec. line -

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On the Gardner place there are springs coming out right on top of terrace, at foot of hills. There are three big springs, the last comes out of sand under Kansan. Others are sandy.
One is farther SW. up hill farther.
I can see sand (Aftonian  coarser) in little bands at foot of hill along road.
In bend of river near - (W) is a bank of Kansan, blue, rounded, calcareous, ferruginous, few boulders, 20 ft. expose.
For a mile up the river next to bluff there are swamps & ponds, & seapy places.
Near upper end of crescent is a big slump, - cut off by swamp, & quite a creek over cut.

Transcription Notes:
See this article for terms used on this page. -@siobhanleachman