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[[underlined]] Cut 1 [[/underlined]]
At Hawarden visited the C.N.W. sand pit. It shows sand & gravel, cross-banded, with usual irregularities & alternations, to a depth of about 20 ft.

On top of it 4-6 ft. of silty sand (or sandy silt) from the soil.

A very few very large boulders have been taken out.

This looks Aftonian.

[[line indicating insertion]] 
Sec. 2
At dam outcropping of Cretaceous shale appears low down.

Sec. 3
From gravel exposed along creek, & wherever they dig a cellar or excavate gravel appears. Visited also C.NW. roundhouse pit. This shows 5 ft. of sandy silt & then mixed gravel. Below cleaner sand & gravel, cross-bedded

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[[underlined]] 23 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sep. 7 -(Wednesday) [[/underlined]] 1910

Started N. from Hawarden with Merle Storm.

Sec. (4.) At N. end of road just S. of bridge between secs. 14 & 15 -there is a road cut which shows about 5 ft of brown silty sand (at top sandy silt) with occasional pebble, & below is coarse gravel & small boulders, - dirty, like the upper layer - usually. -

At (5) on S side SE 1/4 sec. 14-95-48 on the first rise (in road, (partway up hill) shows sandy soil above, then worked & mixed gravel & at a depth of about 5-6 ft. a mass of boulders, etc in bed of gutter.  This is evidently all Kansan.

Sec. 6.
The top of the hill, just w. of ne. corner show yellow loess (upper part nodular). This extends down hill westward for a considerable distance.
[[underlined]] cut 7 [[/underlined]] - This is small cut along downward slope (to N.) along road & shows loess above (yellow & nodular) and partway down slope a band of boulders, etc. appear. They are a part of Kansan which is clearly exposed on slope.