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The sand is mostly ferruginous but there are gray belts below.
No bones or teeth found,
In uppermost part there are drift "boulders".
This is a large pit.
The mixed gravel runs to top of section.

Nearer Oto Kansan is frequent in road.
The "silt bank" in sec. 6 just above Oto shows upper stuff like Kansan (but no pebbles), then a thin layer of rusty sand, then gray silt 4-5 in. & then 2 or 3 ft. of very dark [[underline]] silt-like [[/underline]] hard stuff.

In sec. 12 N. of Smithland, at highest pt. in road there is an excavation 6 ft deep

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on W. side showing flower & twisted Kansan with a big rusty sand boulder.
The road reads 1190
Hills beyond rise probably 50 ft. higher.
South of this & much lower, a cut & deep gutter on W. side expose loess(?) above running down into Kansan like silt, same as before & as S. of Anthon.

In NW 1/4 13 - E of creek - N. of Smithland there is a deep cut showing 18 or 20 ft of loess (compact & redder below (some Loveland?) & Kansan shows below it lower down a W. slope.