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[[underlined]] Aug. 14, 1913 [[/underlined]] Thurs.
Spent day in looking up information about well-diggers, working up plats, etc.
Found that Will Shepherd was out of town but saw Ed. White.

[[underlined]] Aug. 15, 1913 [[/underlined]]- Friday
Spent the day in work on township plats and in planning itinerary. 

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[[underlined]] Aug. 16, 1913 [[/underlined]] Sat.
Drove northeast in the forenoon with Ed White to the Baughn brickyard in sec 8. (S.W. 1/4) -79-38.
[[between lines]][[underlined]] Cut 1 [[/underlined]]

Found a thick layer of bluish gray loess, with many nodules, more or less in layers, and numerous iron tubules.

Where dry it is quite hard.  A few shells were scattered all through.  Found.

Succinea avara

Followed up the river and found a shady bank with an exposure showing what appears to be the following succession: [[underlined]]This is cut 2.[[/underlined]]

---> a.

Much water comes from [[underline]]a [[/underline]].