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This grove is on an abrupt N. slope.
[[image - grove and curved line labelled "Highest part of ridge."]]

On the bottomlands along the Nishna near bridge I notice:

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Soft maple
Box Elder
Ulmus americana
Green Ash

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Red elm
Vitis -
Black Walnut
Prunus americana

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Saw five planted larches in S. part of Harlin S. of C. W. W. RR. 

The mastodon tusk was found just about opposite 1st telegraph pole N. of S. end of E. side of cut 5
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[[underlined]] Aug. 17, 1913 [[/underlined]] Sun.

Drove towards Defiance [[insert]](from Harlin)[[/insert]] with Ed White.

 At NW. 1/4 1/4 of [[insert]]cut[[/insert]] 8-79-38, along road is a cut in loess.
[[left margin note]] [[underlined]] Cut 6 [[/underlined]] [[/left margin note]] 
This exposure faces S., and is 5-7 ft. deep, and only lower 2 or 3 ft. are clear, - rest overgrown.  The lower part shows distinct gray loess, iron tubules more abundant; saw no fossils.  The upper part (greater part) shows a yellow loess, rather heavy, with bluish streaks.  No nodules or fossils.
Took sample of gray loess from near base of slope, and of yellow loess 1/2 way up, and in each case about 7 ft. below top of bank.

[[underlined]] Cut 7 [[/underlined]] On N. slope, at corner, another similar section shows gray loess 
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