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[[strikethrough line runs the entire page]] & runs nearly parallel to slope, dipping in above, and is probably cut over 5 or 6 ft deep, though this was not determined on account of slumps. There was sand (evidently under loess) about 1/2 way up hill & this was about on level of old sand pit west. Near base of slope the chordate, lobular layer appears, about 2 ft. thick, & below it in calcareous light blue Kansan. Some pebbles & small boulders. The top of hill = 1334, base = 1250. [[underlined]] Cut 16 [[/underlined]] Next hill E = 1315 - top V cut in slope [[insertion]] (Aug. 24) Kansan drift, gray belt, yellow loess. [[/insertion]] facing E. (7-8 ft deep) shows yellow loess. [[underlined]] Cut 17 [[/underlined]] - (Aug. 24) (x) Yellow loess with fossils; blue muck below; 6-7 ft. of yellow loess. [[underlined]] Cut 18 [[/underlined]] The next hill, near middle of sec. shows Kansan at base, a ferretto & I noticed only yellow loess above. Top of hill = 1330. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[a line runs down the center of this page]] This is a slope facing N. On this slope (S. of road) is a grove of small catalpas, all leaning E. The valley runs W. & wind catches them thus. (This is Chas. Davis-[[underlined]] Parkhurst [[/underlined]]) [[handwritten image of a map of apparent landscape - N is marked to left of image; 2 vertical lines & one line extending horizontally. On top of horizontal line is small rectangle & below line is written "grove"; horizontal line is partially ringed by a line marked "valley"; additional compass points of E - top of image - and S - right of image]] Another hill has almost no cut [[insertion]] ^(only a bit of yellow loess showing - marked on map,) [[/insertion]] and then the last hill in sec., [[underlined]] Cut 19 [[/underlined]] facing E. Shows yellow loess in a cut 4-5 ft. deep. Drift at base, blue muck? below yellow loess - Gray loess? (See sample. [[line indicating insertion w. parentheses in left margin]] A small cut at corner (Aug. 24) shows blue & yellow loess. Marked on map. Photos 5 & 6 show modern school at No. cor of sec. 15. [[underlined]] Cut 23 [[/underlined]] On w. line of [[track?]]. S. of Elmer Kansan shows much of the way up the hill (facing E.) Yellow loess on top. Took a series of photos at White's. Alfalfa & Aberdeen Angus Cattle [[parenthesis in left margin]] Cut [[bracket grouping 20, 21, 22 notes]] 20, [[strikethrough]] 21, 22 [[/strikethrough]] (Aug. 24) Overgrown cut, [[insertion]] cut faces W. [[/insertion]] shows gray streak in road, yellow above. " [[ditto for: cut]] 21 - (Aug. 24) Faces E. Similar to last. " [[ditto for: cut]] 22 - (" [[ditto for Aug.]] 24) Shows blue loess at base, yellow above.