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[[image-pencil sketch of rock strata]]
[[image captions]]
yellow loess 2 1/2 ft{ 3 1/2{
}5 ft gray loess
all highland drift } 10 ft
Drift shows a little
38 yds.
Blue Black drift 1 ft +
80 yds

25 paces west end 29 paces
yellow loess
5ft { gray loess
[[/image captions]]

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The gray loess rests on Kansan, a seggregated line of boulders and pebbles mark this, & the boulders project into loess.
It contains ^[[insertion]] a good many [[/insertion]]]] [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] nodules & a good many tubes.  Fossils are scattered all through, but they are more abundant below.
The yellow loess is separated by a sharp line, & there is an oxidized band 6-8 in wide in lowest part of yellow loess.
It is yellow, with dark spots, loose; no fossils or nodules.
The gray loess is beautifully wind (?) laminated. 
See fossils & samples)