Viewing page 28 of 101

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gray below, with many iron streaks.

cut 12 - W side

[[image - sketch of rock formation divided into strata with writing inside sketch]]
[[image captions]]
Soil & brown loess 2-3 ft
6ft { yellow loess
Ordinary Kansas [[sloping line separates next part of drawing]] (20) 18 ft muck?
[[/image captions]]


Fossils are scattered about. Not many.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[image - rough sketch consisting of a line that looks like a small hill and a line underneath]]

[[image captions]]
Cut 13
[[/image captions]]

[[next to sketch]] Is small & on west side.
Joined to 12
It shows no loess on top,
but appears mucky (like 12). It is not quite as high as 12.

[[image - rough sketch consisting of a sloped line in the form of a shallow hill, a line marking tip of hill, and a line underneath]

[[image captions]]
Cut 14 - W.  side
Loess (yellow) 5-6 ft [[line to top of hill]]
Gray loess (_) over 1 ft } about = to no. 12 in size
[[/image captions]]

The E side is similar, but lower, & shows 4-5 ft of
yellow loess with a few shells ( [[much?]], [[red?]]) & nodules
Did not collect here