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[[vertical line in left margin of page]]

Reached Dedham at 7:10 pm & left at 7:40 for Manning.  Hurried across to C.&W. Western & caught train for Harlan.  Reached Harlan at 9:45 pm.  Had been without food all day, since the 5:30 am lunch at Coon Rapids.
Cold night.  Was very rheumatic in left hip and back.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[vertical line in left margin of page]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 23 - 1913 - Sat [[/underlined]]
Too lame AM [[insertion]] Rheumatism in hip [[/insertion]] to get out.  Worked up notes, etc.  In afternoon drove E & NE in Shepherd's car, with son Allen & a son of Dr. Gus. Moore.  Went to Rabbit Hollow.
In addition to specimens taken saw following in Rabbit Hollow. 

[[first column]] 
Tilia am.
Ulmus am.
Corylus am.
[[insertion]] Carya [[/insertion]]
Sambucus -           
Rudbeckia laciniata  
Laportea [[canaesis?]]
Brown nettle
[[insertion]] [[enis?]] [[/insertion]]
Geum virginianum
[[insertion]] Agastache [[/insertion]] 
Lophanthus (pink)
"  [[ditto for: Lophantus]] (yellow), 

[[/first column]]
[[second column]]

[[insertion]] Quercus [[/insertion]] 
Bur Oak
[[insertion]] Juglans [[/insertion]] 
Ostrya (iron wood)
Ribes gracile
Impatiens pallida
[[insertion]] Plum Tox [[/insertion]] 
Poison Ivy
( [[strikethrough]] [[Laphula?]] [[/strikethrough]] Desmodium
[[insertion]] [[Tishsier?]] [[/insertion]]
Prunus serotina
[[/second column]]

[[insertion]] The first cut = [[blank space]], marked on map. [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Aug 31 [[/underlined]]
The [[strikethrough]] east bank [[/strikethrough]] 2nd cut, on slope facing West in sec. 10 near Rabbit Hollow shows both blue and yellow loess.  Neither shows fossils & saw no nodules. (over) 

Transcription Notes:
Tried to figure these out with eol and ITIS. Much remains unclear. Valia is an insect Genus, so might be incorrect. -@caseyae Edited markup as Smithsonian Archives prefers ^[[text]] to be used for handwritten notes in typed pages and [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]] for insertions to text. I've managed to solve some of the species, but I've left the one's I'm not sure of in [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman