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tubes show well, there are some rather larger or medium nodules & shell are scattered about in it.
Downward the loess (?) is muckier, without tubules, with iron cloudup, & here the [[strikethrough]] chocolate [[/strikethrough]] rusty band appears (at about 15 ft.)
At 16 ft. from top other rusty band appears. The stuff is here loam & mucky.  Most of it is darker blue-gray & has rusty streaks through it.
The gray loess runs down 10 ft.  Then there is a similar layer, but mucky, with horizontal rusty or brownish bands, & broad brownish streaks or bands

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as if [[repanted?]] by gray tubes.
I could trace this down 5 ft & many rusty layers are in it. The water of the springs seems to come out just below this layer. There are no iron tubes in lower part.  Looks water laid.  The gray loess is hard when dry, has iron tubes & a good many larger, rounded nodules

[[image - sketch of cross-section of soil strata]]
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 x x [[line from x's to word "samples"]]
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The top shows 1-2 ft of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] browner or yellow stuff, but evidently part of same layer.
Loosened by roots, etc.
Top of bank 1309
Base of slumped part = 1379
General level of brickyard = 1374.

Transcription Notes:
[[Lorecner?]] = loosened