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top of yellow loess are many & small.
[[erased]] nodules [[/erased]] In [[insertion]] lower [[/insertion]] older part (where fossils are chiefly [[insertion]] found) [[/insertion]] there are fewer large nodules. (see samples.)
I could not get a sharp line exposure to show contact of yellow & gray loess, but the transition upward seems to be quite abrupt.
This exposure is just N. of 1/2 sec. line.

SW. of this exposure, across road, there is a dense thicket of low scrub oaks & hazel. Collected shells 
Took photos - looking NE.
[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] = map [[insertion]] In NE 1/4 SE 1/4 2-80-37 [[/insertion]]
[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] = 1/5 - 1/2 sec
[[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethorugh]] = 1/2 sec + 

[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 158 [[/underlined]] faces S & shows drift & loess [[/insertion]]
In SE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec 2-80-37 there is a big patch of scrub oak & hazel.
In [[later?]] comes few bur oaks 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[page has vertical line on the left side of page that runs about two thirds down, continues to the right about an inch, then proceeds down again until the bottom of page]]

[[underline]] Cut 159 [[/underlined]] - faces E. Drift at base. yellow loess
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underline]] 160 [[/underlined]] " [[Ditto for: Faces]] W - " " " " " [[Dittos for: Drift at base. yellow loess]]
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underlined]] 161 [[/underlined]] - " [[Ditto for: Faces]] E. Drift at very base yellow loess above 5 - 6 ft. exposed in cut.
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underlined]] 162 [[/underlined]] - small, S. side yellow loess. Cut 4-5 ft.
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underlined]] 163 [[/underlined]] - faces W. Drift at base. Yellow loess above.
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underlined]] 164 [[/underlined]] - Faces N. Drift. Yellow loess.
" [[Ditto for: Cut]] [[underlined]] 165 [[/underlined]]  - Drift & loess
[[left margin]] Cut [[underlined]] 166 [[/underlined]] - Faces S. - Drift & loess. [[/left margin]]

are taller than I. [[insertion]] above [[/insertion]] The hazel is low & dense.
Thickets of [[plums?]], an occassional red elm & a few low [[?]] plants appear
[[underlined]] Cut 167 [[/underlined]] Near SW [[cor?]] of NW 1/4  SW 1/4 11-80-37 a steep hill shows drift at base v well up; then cap of yellow loess.
Bottom of valley N = 1578 - top of hill S. = 1638. Hill faces N

Cut [[underlined]] 168 [[/underline]d] - steep hill, faces N. Drift; loess.
Cut [[underlined]] 169 [[/underlined]] - Faces S. Drift & yellow loess.
cut [[underlined]] 170 [[/underlined]] - " [[ditto for: Faces]] N very steep. Drift & yellow loess.
Cut [[underlined]] 171 [[/underlined]] - Faces E. yellow loess
Stopped at [[Fisus?]] at store = dinner = 25
home = 20 cts.
Drove into Auseubon East
[[line indicating insertion]] Cut 1 -  Very nodular loess (above), small nodules. Yellow. [[/insertion]]
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 2 (Audubon) [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
At edge of terrace (?) E of river in sec. 8-80-36- there is a cut that shows 8 ft of yellow loess
This is rather soft, but looks OK 
note no fossils and no nodules.
[[insertion]] Cut. 3 [[/insertion]] In SW SW of 9-80-36 drift runs well up; then a warmer gray streak

Transcription Notes:
On first page: am again unsure if I am interpreting wrong, or how to write what seems to be directions of location. N of 1/2 or N "2 ?/ Reviewed. Managed to solve a few [[?]] -@siobhanleachman