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[[vertical line running down left margin and then centre of page]] 
[[underlined]] August 31, 1913 Sun [[/underlined]]
Reading in Sharer's Kitchen = 1638
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 172 [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] At NW cor sec. 13, on slope facing S. drift shows up to 1660 & then yellow loess to top = 1674. 
On hill E. Helianthus grosseserratus is growing over top of hill on [[pairie?]] bank.
[[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] See also E. line of sec. 12. [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]]
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] cut 173 [[/underlined]] SW 1/4 SE. 1/4 12-81-37-a slope facing w. shows yellow loess. above drift below
[[underlined]] Audubon co [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
[[line indicating insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 174 [[/underlined]] - Drift below (partly covered by loess fill); [[overwritten]] blue [[/overwritten]] gray loess with tubes; yellow loess.
[[underlined]] cut 175 [[/underlined]] - faces N. yellow loess.
[[underlined]] cut 176 [[/underlined]] - Loose sand 1/2 way up hill. Then yellow loess. Exposure not clear. In valley S. there is loose sand. 
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 23 [[/underlined]] (And) [[line indicating insertion]] [[circled]] Sec 22 on [[beds?]] next page [[/circled]] [[/insertion]]
At SW. cor sec. 4-81-36 there is a long slope which rises Westward beyond the N. & S. sec. line & is there capped with yellow loess. 
35 yds E. of sec. line there is a bench and here, in gutter on
[[image - sketch of cross section of hill show soil strata]]
[[image captions]]
Looking S.
95 yds. 
35 yds
sec. line
75 yd
yellow loess 
[[/image captions]]
N side, gray loess appears & extends down for 95 yds. 
The gutter exposes 1-3 feet of it & shows that, especially on upper slope
[[/line through page]]

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it has very many very large iron tubes & few irregular nodules (see spec.) In the lower half of slope I found a few fossils scattered in blue loess.
Upward on slope a very distinct oxidized loess, 4-6 in wide appears & runs with slope. Over this the yellow loess could be traced for some distance - down slope [[insertion]] ^ (50 yds) [[/insertion]]. The line is here very sharp.
No drift appears.
I could see neither fossils nor nodules in yellow.
On S. side toward lane fossils appear & irregular lime nodules are very abundant near top, in blue loess.
[[insertion]] (and) [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut. 22 [[/underlined]] A drift ridge - rather low. 