Viewing page 75 of 101

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[vertical line down left side of page]]
[[underline]] On prairie ridges along RR [[/underline]]

[[two columns-listing genus and species of plants]]
[[strikethrough line down length of both columns]]

[[first column]]
Sorghastrum nutans
Andropogon furcatus
Euphorbia corollate
Rosa _____
Setaria viridis
Equisetum hyemale (?)
Euphorbia preslii
[[Saleda?]] hali var.
Dyssodia papposa
Kuhnia eupatorioides var.
Aster laevis
Elymus canadensis
Achillea millefolium
Hordeum jubatum
Asclepias obtusifolia
Helianthus tuberosus
[[/first column]]

[[second column]]
Erigeron canadensis
Asclepias verticillata
" [[ditto for Asclepias]] syriaca
Lactuca scariola
Oenothera biennia
Grindelia squarrosa
[[Correvruh sepian?]]
Cenchrus carolinianus
Erigeron narcissus 
Lactuca canadensis
Apocynum cannabinum
Lactuca ___ pink fls.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
" [[ditto for Ambrosia]] trifida.
Aster [[v exigrin?]] 
Polygonum convolvulus

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[text written sideways on page]]
Hotel 1375   CR. I & P 1325   
C. N. W. 1335

Sent basket today.  Plants in bottom [[insertion]] need attention [[/insertion]], Another basket [[strikethrough] sent [[/strikethrough]] will go to me at Old Science Hall, tomorrow morning.
It [[strikethrough] has [[/strikethrough]] contains two boxes of exposed plates.  Take them out.
I sent [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] a heavy basket home.  Tell folks not to pay [[insertion]] express [[/insertion]] charges on it.


Sent basket today.  Plants in bottom need attention. Another [[strikethrough]] basket [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] basket addressed to me [[/insertion]], will [[strikethough]] go to me at Old Science [[/strikethrough]] reach University tomorrow [[insertion]] afternoon [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] . Will get in in afternoon.  It contains [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Has [[/insertion]] two boxes of exposed plates.  Take them out. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Sent a heavy basket home.  Tell folks not to pay express charges on it.

Transcription Notes:
Verified scientific names using; Iowa Prairie plants -; Appendix 1. Habitat of species found during surveys of 22 prairie remnants in Iowa, USA --kbailey I changed "floks" to "folks" in the last line. Otherwise looks good to go.--thomasc Changed Setaria vridits to Setaria viridis and added a skipped botanical entry. Made a few other minor edits. :) -- GigglePop!