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[[vertical line on left margin of page]]

Went to [[underlined]] cut 3 [[/underlined]], Red line cut. Looking S.

[[image - cross section drawing of soil strata]]
[[image captions]]
Yellow Fossilif.
10 ft
Red loam
1 ft 
Gray loess
Dark, alluvial
Bank 8 ft high
Gray loess 5 ft
Heavy murky stuff.
All this is reddish.
[[/image captions]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[vertical line on left margin of page]]

Exp. 3

[[image - rough pencil sketch of soil strata]]
[[image labels]]
yellow fossilif.
Dips down.
1 ft. 
Lime nodules & plates - quite large
[[dxid]] band
 3-5 [[?]]
1 1/2 ft.
[[/image labels]]

15 7  16 near photo
23 x [[checkmark]] 24 x Farther [[checkmark]]

Took lvs, & [[across?]] & alc. from [[strikethrough]] large [[/strikethrough]] bur oak on bottom land in Red fields gorve. Nec 14 in drain.