Viewing page 81 of 101

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[[vertical line in left margin]]

In bur oak scrub patch 1 1/2 mi. west of Red fields:
Bur oak & hazel dominant.
Red elm. few & rather small
Am. elm. few " " " [[Dittos for: & rather small]]
Large gray Cornus.
Vitis [[vulpina?]] Am plum
Much blue grass, - other small plants few, & [[strikethrough]] mainly [[/strikethrough]] all prairie. Pastured.
Form [[Vitrea Carmoni?]] most common, chiefly on lower slopes.
Also two Zon. [[arboreus.?]]
Above I found a few [[Urtica?]], a [[Helicodisan & Bifidaria holzingeri?]].
Took two lichens which appear to be common in all the scrub oak patches.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[vertical line in left margin]]
In afternoon more SW. along C.Gr.W.
[[strikethrough]] RR = 1432 at [[underlined]] Cut 91 [[/underlined]]
Road = 1445 [[/strikethrough]]
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Cut 222 [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
91c - 300 yds long - 7-8 ft deep. RR run out on plateau SW only small cuts.
[[insertion]] Cut 223 [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] 91b [[/underlined]] is 150 yds long, 10 ft deep.
167 mile post is 50 yds from SW. end
This is yellow loess with brown-black spots & streaks.  No fossils & no nodules.  Bluish streaks
Took sample 7 ft from top
A dark soil band 1-2 ft  - shades down.
Creek valley comes between 91b & 91a
[[insertion]] Cut 224 [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] 91 [[/underlined]]a Cut 150 yds. long - about 10 ft deep - Fossils, gray loess, S. side.
[[image - cross section of 91a soil strata]]
[[image captions]]
Iron 5ft [[measured from base]] Gray
7ft [[measured from top]] Oxidized
10 ft.
[[/image captions]]
Typical gray loess with iron tubes a few nodules & a few fossils.
Shows sharp oxidized line about 1-2 in wide & this is about 3 ft above RR.
Took sample of yellow & gray loess no fossils or nodules in yellow 
soil band again.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "part" to "post" near the top of the 2nd page. I think the railroad marked its mileage on post much like the mile markers on interstates today. reviewer: revised guesses of latin names and changed soil "hard" to soil "band"