Viewing page 84 of 101

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[[line descending down left margin of page]]
[[image - sketch of cross section of strata]]
[[image captions]]
and old cut
back - n.
Overhead bridge.
It's N face shows best.
Only 5 - 6 ft of yellow loess - 
rest gray [[?]] "intermediate" on S side is probably gray.
[[/image captions]]

The E. end of S. side looks as if gray loess came up to [[insertion]] within [[/insertion]] 3-5 ft of top. It stands nearly vertical (the upper part of gray)
[[image - rough sketch of soil strata]]
[[image captions]]
[[/image captions]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[line descending down left margin of page]]

50 yds between cuts 89 & 88.

[[underlined]] Cut 88 [[/underlined]] is badly slumped & overgrown. About 150 yds long & 14 ft deep
On N. side 6 ft yellow loess; line quite sharp, & 6 ft gray loess & talus
On S. side gray loess up to 12 ft & then 4-5 ft yellow [[insertion]] loess [[/insertion]], which gets thin close towards higher part of cut E.

[[underlined]] Cut 82 [[/underlined]] is just E. of 40 line E. of cut 83 (about 350 yds below cuts) 
Cut about 350 yds long, 18 ft (?) deep
At W end only 3-5 ft yellow loess - line faint
Gray runs up to 8 ft at this end.