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[[underlined]] Cut 36 [[/underlined]] - Top of hill = 1334
This is on the next hill, also sloping S., of which 35 is practically a continuation with an interruption.
[[image - line drawing showing Cut 35 and Cut 36]]
[[image captions]]
Cut 35
Cut 36
1334 in road
bank 5ft +
[[/image captions]]

In cut 36 - which runs up to about 8 ft., drift is exposed quite to top of hill, & has a covering of 2 or 3 ft of heavy, yellow loess-like stuff (see sample).  Took it from near top of hill, and 1 1/2 ft below top of bank. 
[[underlined]] Cut 37 [[/underlined]]  Faces E. & shows red ferretto well up & a cap of yellow loess - not thick.
[[underlined]] Cut 38 [[/underlined]] shows yellow loess all the way up
Top of hill = 1360
Cut 39 is on a low ridge, runs over top, & on S [[insertion]] ^ & N [[/insertion]] sides show drift well up & a cap of the yellow stuff
Cut only 3 or 4 ft deep.

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[[underlined]] Cut 40 [[/underlined]] is just a low ridge with drift exposed on road to top.
[[underlined]] Cut 41 [[/underlined]] faces N & is just a part of slope.  It shows much gray in road & yellow drift towards base.
[[underlined]] Cut 42 [[/underlined]] is on steeper hill facing S. (top = 1400).  It shows drift with small boulders (& one of Soo Q. about 40 ft long,) well up hill, almost to top & then a gray streak & the top yellow.
[[underlined]] Cut 43 [[/underlined]] - faces N. Shows drift well up, then gray streak & little cap of yellow.
[[underlined]] Cut 44 [[/underlined]] - faces S.  A gentler slope.  Shows drift well up.  Then about 1 ft. of gray, with iron tubes, is exposed in gutter on W. side. Then yellow - a little.
[[underlined]] Cut 45 [[/underlined]] On a long gentle slope facing N.  Gutter & bank on E. side shows reddish drift with 

Transcription Notes:
Is there an exclamation mark, maybe?, before 1334 at the first graphic? - GigglePop! I think it's just a stray pen mark.--thomasc