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[[image - sketch of cross section of soil strata]]
[[image captions]]
yellow  3 - 5 ft
Fossiliferous part of gray loess
2 - 3 ft
a gray loess with many small nodules
grey heavy clay 3 - 6 in thick
Red drift
3 - 4 ft exposed
[[/image captions]]

At about 1363a real, fossiliferous gray loess with [[larger?]] normal & irregular nodules appears, & found fossils for about 50 ft.
The fossils & larger nodules seem to [[?]] in the lower 2 ft of the gray 
The upper part has small nodules near top
The total thickness of gray = at least 5 ft.
The gray very distinctly [[?]] [[?]] of hill.
Took sample of fossiliferous line.

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[[start page]]

Higher up hill yellow loess appears over gray & the latter thins out.
There is here a distinct chocolate layer under gray (in upper slope)
Small nodules appear in yellow, not very abundant.

The very top = 1393 cut only 1 ft Then gentle slope for about 235 yds. Along this are 1 - 2 ft cut & small boulders are strewn in [[?]] & gutter showing drift not far away.  
At this 235 pt a little gray loess appears, with [[?]]. Reading at 235 yds = 1375
Then for 90 yds cut is about 3 to 4 ft, but only lower ft. shows in gutter & this shows red drift all the way. The total loess

Transcription Notes:
Several [[?]] need to be solved. Done my best. -@siobhanleachman