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Heard a Great-crested flycatcher but did not see it.
About 60 crows flew over in a flock. They had been bothering a great-Horned Owl
At breakfast a Belted Kingfisher lit in a tree to watch for minnows. He would plunge into the water and then after alighting shake himself.
Saw a male Swallow-tailed Kite flying around this afternoon[[?Will]]shot a Crow -
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July 18, Wednesday.
This morning a family of Chicadees were around camp. The young ones were not able to feed themselves yet. They sat still until the old ones chose to feed them.

Saw a Black-and-white Creeping Warbler [[?hunting]] in a little pine
July 20, Friday
This morning it rained hard. A phoebe came around camp catching flies. It lit on the tents and guide ropes fearlessly.