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Sparrow feeding by a patch of weeds. Numbers of American Goldfinches were flying around in small flocks or pairs. 
Heard the song of the Yellow-throated Vireos and a single harsh note.  followed it up and an old one was feeding a young one. The young one followed it and fluttered its wings. Saw Catbirds eating chokecherries. Then I went home.

July 23, Monday. 
This noon when I 
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went down to the cooper-shop. I saw a Male Goldfinch feeding on some Catnip seed in front of Dr. Jones. The seeds were just formed.

July 24, Tuesday,
This afternoon I started to look for a Meadowlark's nest that Mr. Fiske found while he was mowing. It began to rain and 4 or 5 Spotted Sandpipers took wing from a pond. Then I went in out of the rain.

Tonight after supper