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A Mourning Dove lit among them and walked around feeding. Suddenly it saw the end of the telescope and looked at it for a minute. Then it flew away over me. 
The Sandpipers were feeding with quick motions once one ran after an insect.
Then I went home. It had rained hard and the ground was very wet. The Snipe were in a field that was plowed for the first time and had
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water standing on it.

July 25, Wednesday.
Went down to watch the Sandpipers with my opera glass. Looked for some time and thought that they had left. Then I saw one. It gave a little [strely]] note like [[pert]] . Another flew up with a loud [[underlined]] pees wees [[/underlined]]. The first looked at me all the time. After a little it hunted for food. Then I went home.

Transcription Notes:
---- in place of words I couldn't decipher. They are found towards the bottom of the 2nd section. Best guess on those two words based on other writing form.