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A chickadee was hunting on the tips of an elm across the river. A red head followed it around and when it found anything chased it away and ate it.
The males were streaked but still had the epaulets. Then I went home.
After breakfast I went over in T. Hackelts woods. Across the bridge a Male Goldfinch was eating thistle seeds. The Chicadees nest was much deepened. In the woods I saw Song Sparrow with a Cowbird. A female Redstart was feeding her full grown young. The youngsters kept
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to the tops of the trees while she got food off of the ground. Farther on I saw a young male Downy Woodpecker. It was very tame. It was getting grubs from under sticks. Its bill was not quite grown. It braced with its tail. It would pick off some rotten wood and throw it over its head.
Then a family of Red-eyed Vireos in company with some Chicadees came in sight. One of the

Transcription Notes:
-epciulets- -Redstarl-