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from weather beaten weeds, like the lambs quarter, grape vine bark and weed flower clusters. It was lined with thistle down.
The contrast between the brown outside and white lining made it very pretty. Then Jim Seeley and I took our dinner and went over south. By Blachley's bridge we saw a number of English Sparrows. By the wire fence near the ravines was a Phoebe. It caught an insect with a snap
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near our heads. Some Bluej ays were getting acorns at the ravines. By the spring in Voll's Woods there was a small bird in a brushpile. I tossed a handful of dirt at it and it flew out. It was a Song Sparrow with a rather short tail. 
Saw no more birds till we crossed a creek. Then there were a number of bluejays. In the Hemlock trees at the Bluff was a Chicadee and some