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fly catching. They kept to the tops of the trees and were silent two or three were in the air most of the time.
There were bluebirds all over in that place. Out in the lane by the house one was feeding in the road with a Vesper Sparrow. It flew up and the Sparrow fought it in the air. There was a flock of strange birds here. By the Bridge I heard a queer trembling sweet song coming from some weeds. It reminded
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me of a [[insert]]Song Sparrow[[/insert]]wren. I could not see what bird it was. The English Sparrows frightened it when they flew. Heard crows caw.
Then I went home.
This afternoon the Sparrows were feeding out in the garden. Of a sudden I saw one that was much lighter than the others. It was a light cream color on the back.
Saw a number of Nighthawks this evening. The nights