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are getting cold.
September 9, Sunday.
Went down by the ditch this morning Saw a number of Indigo Buntings. Two had no tails. They were much excited. A Song Sparrow caught insect on the wing. English Sparrows did the same up by H. Smith's Saw an American Goldfinch. Then I went home.
This afternoon I went over in T. Hackett's woods. At the gate was a flock
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of chicadees. They were very tame One had a large green worm. It was about 2 inches long. It held it under its foot and picked of pieces of it. Then it picked it up and hopped off. After looking around it put it in a crotch and left it.
Another came while it was eating and looked at it. They gave notes like [[underline]] seety seety seety seets ir lur [[/underline]]. 
Heard a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Followed the sound. I could hear them in all directions but could