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of its young.
then I went home.
September 12, Wednesday
This morning I heard a meadowlark sing.
Went to [[?Baraboo]] this afternoon. Saw Vesper Sparrows along the road. Between Watson's and the corner a Sparrow Hawk flew out of a cornfield where it had been hunting mice. A Mourning Dove was sitting on a telephone wire. By the [[?ford in Lyons]]
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were a number of Bronzed Grackles. On the way back we saw them eating field corn. There were about [[underline]]25[[/underline]] of them. Heard a Whipporwill tonight.
September 13, Thursday.
This morning I heard a Meadowlark sing. Prairie Horned Lark flew over. A flock of a dozen Cedar Waxwings looked queer with the sun turning thier bodies yellow and wings black. A flock of 5 Bronzed Grackles started to