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fly through the trees. One had no tail.
This evening about 4 oclock. I could see the English Sparrows catching insects in all directions.
September 14, Friday.
This morning over by the school-house I saw 5 Red-tailed Hawks at once. They were sailing. I watched them till they passed out of sight. When first sighted the were northeast of me and when they
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were lost to sight they were southwest. One was outlined clearly against a white cloud for a time.
Sunday night I watched the moon with a Spyglass Saw 5 birds. One flew like a Goldfinch.
September 16. Sunday.
This morning I went down in the fields. It had turned cold in the night and the thermometer registered 40[[symbol for degrees]]. There was a hard wind coming from the North west.

Transcription Notes:
I don't have the symbol for degrees on my keyboard. Please insert it if you are able.