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By the ditch I scared up 2 Song Sparrows. They laid very close and flew out almost [[strikethrough]]on[[/strikethrough]]under my feet. They were on the east and south sides of the weeds. They flew up with a tseep.
Saw two more [[insert]]birds[[/insert]]in that little ouley belows Hackett's. One was a Song and the other a Field Sparrow. They were feeding. They were shy and hard to catch sight of. As soon as flushed they flew into the hazel-bush and were lost to view.
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Analysed an old Catbird's nest.
The outside was twigs of Clematis and other trees and bushes. Next was a layer of thin bark, oak leaves, dry grass, rootlets, oat straw, strips of flags, pieces of Clematis climbers, clover stems, and grass with the roots attached.
It was lined with whitish and brownish black rootlets. It was placed about 4 feet from the ground in a hazel bush and was quite Bulky. Then I went home

Transcription Notes:
I believe "ouley" is his spelling for alley.