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the tsu of a White-throated Sparrow. It was over in Fiske's berries. It was hunting for food.


September 21, Friday
Went hunting with Father this morning Got up at 4 and started at five. Heard some Killdeer calling down below. Rode out to C. Meirs about 8 miles. The roadside thickets were full of sparrows and Myrtle Warblers. Saw a Catbird in front of Sullivan's. The thickets were full

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of white throated Sparrows and I saw a family of Field Sparrows sunning themselves on a fence. One sang. The Bluejays were here eating acorns. Once while looking around I saw what I thought was a mourning Dove. Another soon passed. Then they began to soar and I saw that they were Sharp skinned Hawks. A Bluejay followed them around and called warningly. Saw a pair of Hairy Woodpeckers showing off before a female.