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This afternoon went over across the river. Picked up an Orioles nest under an elm tree. Saw two Chickadees at the ravines. One of them whistled [[underline]]Spring here[[/underline]] all the time. A Hairy Woodpecker hunted around the trees. Saw 3 Red tailed Hawks circling around they gave a note like [[underlined]]Keynr-r-r[[/underlined]]. Given as nearly as possible in one syllable. Saw a Chipping

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Sparrow eat a measuring worm.  It had not lost all the stripe on its breast.  It was a young one.  Analyzed the Orioles nest.  Outside silky fibers sewed with horsehair, black-lined with brown stiff grass, pig bristles, pine needles very strongly woven.  The twigs that upheld it had snapped off.
Went on through the fields scared up several Vesper Sparrows.  One flew into a bush and sat there looking around.  Saw 2 Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers and a