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tree. Heard a Flicker give the harsh fall note 
Then I went home.
September 30, Sunday. 
This morning before breakfast I went down in the fields. There were great numbers of Meadowlarks singing. There were 6 singers near me beside others that were feeding one attempted the flight song. They gave alarm notes when I approached as
[[underline]] whoip [[/underline]] and the harsh note One gave a note like[[underline]] whese [[/underline]].

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Saw some more [[insert]]Prairie[[/insert]]Horned Larks. They flew around in an erratic manner and fought with each other in the air.
Two Bluejays passed me with acorns in their bills and hid them along Lawtons pasture and I could not see the exact point as they were moving continually. Two Killdeer alighted in the field. Then I went home.
After breakfast I went out again. Hunted along the fence for the acorns[[insert]]hidden by the Bluejays[[/insert]] but did not find