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them. Noticed that the Downy Woodpecker gave the sharp note and the rattling note on the wing. Scared two Vesper Sparrows from some Willows. Heard some Crows Caws.
Robins from the Plum Orchard roost began to fly over over in long stringing flocks. a few hundred feet apart with them were a few Cedar Waxwings. I think that I saw upwards of 200 Robins and nearly 25 Cedar Waxwings in 15 minutes. The Waxwings
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were silent but the Robins gave lisping notes. I think that the roost extends from Maines woods to the Plum Orchard on both sides of the river. Saw a number of Ruby Crowned Kinglets in the woods. They scolded harshly with notes like [[underlined]] chit-it [[/underlined]] and flitted their wings. They were very tame and hunted about anywhere from the tops of the high elms to the thornapples. They were seldom quiet and were hard