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to look at through glass.
The Bluejays all became silent at the firing of a gun, but resumed their noise soon. 
Then I went home.
This afternoon I went over across the river from Lawtons to the Bridge flocks of English Sparrows flew up in front of me and lit in the trees to fight and chatter as they do in the evening. At the Ravines I saw Vesper Sparrows
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and Myrtle Warblers. A [[insert]]Vesper[[/insert]] Sparrow flew into a tree and sat there looking passively about now alarmed at a fluttering leaf and now preening its feathers. I watched it for some time and it finally flew off after a companion. They have this habit when flushed.
Saw a Hairy Woodpecker.
Went on. Searched a wheat field and some newly plowed ground for [[insert]]Prairie[[/insert]] Horned Larks but could not find them