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Blackbird, Red-winged, 6, 10-11, 12, 29-30, 57, 65, 68, 93-94, 126, 174.
Bluebird, 2, 17, 53, 72, 126, 143-144, 193-194.
Bluejay, 21, 37, 60^2, 108-109^2, 114-115, 116-117, 117-118^2, 137^2, 142, 161^2, 166, 169, 173, 177, 180, 183, 183-184, 186, 193.
Bobolink, 25, 35, 68, 92-93, 119, 129-130, 131-132, 173.
Bunting, Indigo, 24, 38-40, 55, 70, 107, 128, 146, 168, 174, 191.
Catbird, 17, 21, 23, 26, 55, 58, 81, 81-84, 83, 84, 131, 154, 

Transcription Notes:
Some erasures in listings for 'Bluejay'