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Tanager, Scarlet, 35, 62-63, 113, 143.
Thrasher, Brown, 23, 25, 59, 66-67, 81.
Thrush, Wood, 21, 25, 56.
Vireo, Red-eyed, 1-2, 37, 95-96.
Vireo, Warbling, 37, 43-45, 60.
Vireo, Yellow-throated, 84, 139, 140, 143, 148.
Warbler, Myrtle, 156-158, 159, 160, 166-167^2, 177, 181, 187, 188, 190-191. 
Waxwing, Cedar, 28, 77, 86, 98, 138, 151, 162, 172, 177