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October 6, Saturday.
This afternoon I went over to [[Voeck's?]] rye-field.  There were no Pipits there.  Went down below Suley's.  Saw a few American Goldfinches and the usual song & White-throated Sparrows.  Heard a Strange song from some willows but could not locate it.  As there was too much water.
The Sparrows were feeding in the edge of a corn field and flew into the marsh on my approach.  
Went over to [[Herm?]],

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Hacketts.  Saw a flock of 6 English Sparrows.  Then I went home.
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October 7, Sunday.
This morning I heard a bird give a note like [[underlined]] tsink [[/underlined]].  Followed it up and found that it was a White-throated Sparrow.  Heard a Chipping Sparrow give a note like tseet.
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After breakfast I went up to the cemetery.  Took Pug along.  Went back over the hill.  Found the remains of a Coopers Hawk meal.  [[image - V inside a circle]].  It had breakfasted on a White-crowned Sparrow.