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There were feathers scattered around and I found the beak some some skin hanging to it.  It had eaten it on the ground.  The Hawk was large for the feather were scattered.  This is a likely place for a Coopers Hawk and I think it was one.  There were a number of Bluejays hanging around the place.  They had apparently gathered while the Hawk was eating and one of them getting too near was seized and carried off.  I only found one bunch of 

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feathers so the dead jay must have been carried away.  Saw a new Warbler once.  Blackburnian Warbler [[written sideways in the margin]]  It had a white breast; sides streaked with black and black head.  It was near the ground but flew up into a tree when I approached.  It had an undulating flight.  Saw some Chicadees.  Got some Scarlet Tangers breast feathers and a small feather from the ruff of a Ruffed Grouse out of a Chipmunks nest.  Above John Patterson's I saw several Brown