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sound came.  I whistled to them and this made them puzzled.  They came back a ways and then I stopped and they went away.  Every time I whistled they answered.  
Went on into the fields.  Saw the meadowlarks feeding. One ate ragweed seeds from a weed.  
Then I went home.
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This afternoon I went over across the river. It was quite warm.  Saw some young male English Sparrows by the bridge.  They were just getting the bright 

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Wend down to the Ravines.  Saw some Juncoes and Myrtle Warblers and there were some Robins feeding on wild grapes at the farther end. There seemed to be a number of Hairy and down Woodpeckers around.  They were in the dead trees.  I watched a female Downy.  She would hop around and try the bark with her bill.  She flew into a cornfield and began to pick at the ears.  She would pick at the husk