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Spencers after a great deal of circling. The flight was bounding. They twitched open the pine cones easily. The Sparrows gathered around and watched them. After a while they flew off. I could [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] see the bill easily.
After breakfast I went down in the fields saw a number of Tree Sparrows. They gave an alarm note like tsip. Otherwise the woods were deserted.
Went on past the swimming hole. Scared up about 10 quail along the river. looked at the
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place where they cane from. It was evidently a scratching ground where they had gathered to dust thier feathers with dirt. It had been used just before I scared them up. Farther on I scared up about 10 more.
Saw some Juncoes in the cornfield. Want on to the plum orchard. Another flock of ten quail flew from under some sticks. A number of boards had been leaned against a log and in the hollow thus formed they had hidden from me. Some did not see which