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December 4. Tuesday.
This morning I hung out more suet.  This Male Downy was the first one there.  It may be the one that was here last year.  It does on pick it off with sharp blows like the White-breasted Nuthatches but [[underlined]] nibbles [[/underlined]] it off.  It looks up after every bite to look for danger.  Two will not eat at the same time.  The Nuthatches taking turns at it.  When one flies off with a bit the other comes.  One of

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them found a wooly bear on the woodpile and beat it about for some time.
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December 7, Friday.
This morning one of the Nuthatches lit on wire.  It could not keep its balance.  The Woodpecker comes first generally.
Heard a Grosbeak.  Two males lit in Pettey's tree.  I went around the house to look at them.  They took alarm suddenly and flew down nearly to the ground.