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Horned Lark as circled around over me. I had seen none since October. 
There were numbers of Chicadees in Pettey's Norway Spruces. I saw 2 Bluejays. 

December 19, Wednesday 
This morning I went down to the ditch. It was warm and sunny. Saw about 10 each of Goldfinches and Juncoes. The Goldfinches drank dew drops. Was standing by one one of Mrs. Russel's Norway spruces when a little Pigeon Hawk 

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dashed down and got an English Sparrow. It killed it while getting it. It flew off as lightly as a feather. It was inclined to light in our big maple but thought better of it and went on up the hill. 

December 20, Thursday 
There is a single Golden Crowned Kinglet around here. It feeds entirely in the pines. It gives its note frequently. 

December 22, Saturday 
Rode over to Bill Dirkies